

APG’s team consists of engineers, manufacturers, and customer service experts that innovate equipment and data services for industrial process measurement and control.


The story of APG (Automation Products Group) begins with the journey of a Utah State University graduate who utilized his engineering skills to bring about a positive impact in the lives of farmers. Cordell Lundahl, armed with his knowledge and expertise, set out to address a common challenge faced by farmers—maneuvering farm machinery around the uncut edges of fields. His solution was the design of an ultrasonic sensor and control system that could guide farm machinery along these edges.

As time progressed, APG continued to evolve and expand its product offerings. Over the course of 40 years, the company diversified its portfolio to include a comprehensive range of level sensors and switches, pressure transducers, and data management tools. These solutions were designed not only to benefit farmers but also to cater to the needs of various industries and professionals.

Through its continuous commitment to technological innovation and product development, APG established itself as a trusted provider of solutions that empower individuals and industries to better control their processes and inventories. The company's humble beginnings, rooted in the dedication of an engineering graduate to improve the lives of farmers, eventually blossomed into a comprehensive range of offerings that cater to the diverse needs of professionals for many level and pressure applications.

worker checking on APG sensor as part of a data acquisition system. DAQ


APG is an ISO 9001:2015 registered company, which means an independent company has audited our Quality Management System and certified that we live up to a higher standard of quality. ISO 9001:2015 is a registration, rather than a certification, because the auditing company registers our organization in its client register. The ISO 9001:2015 standard is based on a number of quality management principles including:

  • strong customer focus
  • commitment from top management
  • process control
  • documentation practices
  • and continual improvement

These principles enable APG to identify, measure, control, and improve the various core business processes that lead to improved business performance and increased product quality. Complying with ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that our customers get consistent, good-quality products and services, which in turn passes the benefits of quality assurance on to them. At APG, we are committed to maintaining compliance with ISO 9001:2015 to support our customers' business success.

View Our ISO 9001:2015 Certificate


APG is committed to achieving excellence in everything we do through review and continuous improvement of our quality management system, and through dedication to our customers by establishing a professional business relationship that provides a timely response, on-time delivery, and defect-free products which meet all product, consumer, and regulatory requirements.


APG’s mission is to design, develop, and manufacture top quality and highly valued industrial measurement equipment and data service.


In our professional conduct, APG employees always seek:

  • Honest and clear communication
  • Ethical and professional collaboration
  • Excellence in all we do
  • Commitment to improvement
  • Trust between all interested parties

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