The Bulletproof MPI-T | Blog


This happy little tank farm can use an upgrade to the MPI-TIt’s Titanium. It’s bulletproof. Right?

Okay, perhaps our MPI-T isn’t literally bulletproof, but then again neither is Sia. And while the bulletproof metaphor nearly works for APG’s new MPI-T Intrinsically Safe, Titanium Stem Magnetostrictive Float Level Transmitter, perhaps an even better one is that of dodging bullets. There are all sorts of bullets related to crude oil storage just waiting to kill your level measurement systems, but the MPI-T can help you dodge those bullets.

Bullet Dodged: H2S – Hydrogen Sulfide

The MPI-T is perfect for sour crude applications

Oil and gas exploration involves a formidable list of chemical nasties, and one of the biggest and baddest is hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in some crude oil deposits, and it can be generated by some exploration and extraction activities. For sour crude (having a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide) applications, stainless steel corrodes too quickly to be of any use. The titanium stem of the MPI-T, however, is much more resistant. The MPI-T can be used safely and effectively in sour crude measurement applications where stainless steel just can’t go.

Bullet Dodged: Sludge Buildup

The MPI-T is maintenance free even in sludgy crude oil

APG's new MPI-T Intrinsically Safe, Titanium Stem Magnetostrictive Level ProbeAnother “fun feature” that comes with crude oil measurement is sludge. Crude oil is, by definition, unrefined, and can have all sorts of solids and other liquids suspended in it. In turn, these suspended substances can build up on probes, floats and other permanent measurement devices. Once again, the titanium stem of the MPI-T comes to the rescue. The titanium resists the collection and buildup of those various substances. Where other stem materials may need to be cleaned regularly, the MPI-T doesn’t need to be cleaned at all. No anti-sludge maintenance necessary? That’s another bullet dodged.

Bullet Dodged: Hazardous Locations

The MPI-T carries world-wide hazardous location certification

Since much of the value of oil comes from its many uses as combustible fuel, any crude oil storage locations are inescapably hazardous locations. Once again, this can pose problems for level measurement technologies, but it’s no big deal for the MPI-T. As with the rest of APG’s MPI series of level probes, the MPI-T is certified for use in Class I Division 1 and Class I Zone 0 areas by CSA, ATEX, and IECEx. That’s practically world-wide coverage of the strongest certification for hazardous location certification.

While the MPI-T may not be literally bulletproof, it does help you dodge significant bullets related to crude oil storage level measurement. It’s strongly resistant to the corrosive effects of hydrogen sulfide, and the natural impurities of crude oil don’t collect on the titanium stem the way they do on stainless steel stems. With hazardous location certification from three of the leading certification bodies, the MPI-T can be used almost everywhere. So why bother with bulletproof when you can dodge all bullets with the MPI-T?

Do you have questions about the MPI-T, or any of APG’s other Intrinsically Safe Magnetostrictive Level Probes? Send our Measurement Experts an email, give them a call, or even chat with them live, right here on our website. They would love to help you find the best level or pressure measurement and display solution for your unique needs.

View the MPI-T

top photo credit: sirdle via cc by s-a 2.0 cropped

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