Pressure Transmitter Reduces Flow Rate of Water Supply


Pressure transmitter monitor city water flow rate   Pressure transducer monitors city water pressure reducing valves

APG’s PT-L1 (4/20mA output) general purpose pressure transmitter has seen a lot of usage with the city of Logan, Utah.

Under the streets of Logan lie Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV). The pressure transmitters are used to reduce the flow rate or velocity of the city’s water supply as it comes off the mountain or from the local rivers.

APG's PT-L1 Pressure Transmitter measures the inlet and outlet water pressures of the PRV. The PT-L1’s 4/20mA output signal is sent to a control system, where city personnel can monitor the water pressures with a smartphone. This assists in preventing any possible water mishaps that could come from over-pressured waterlines.

The PT-L1 General Pressure Transducer with its standard 0.25% accuracy and robust 316 stainless steel construction is the ideal sensor choice for the city of Logan, Utah to help in maintaining a constant water supply for its citizens.

View the PT-L1

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