New NSF-Certified PT-500E Pressure Transducer

Our trusted line of submersible pressure transducers just got even better with the launch of the PT-500E—now NSF-certified for potable water applications! Built for accuracy, durability, and seamless performance in water-level measurement, this sensor is ready to tackle reservoirs, storage tanks, and municipal water systems with confidence.

What is a Submersible Pressure Transducer?

The PT-500E pressure transducer works like all other pressure transducers: it measures pressure—in this case, liquid pressure—and converts that pressure reading into an electrical signal. The PT-500E pressure transducer is an excellent option for water-based applications because its body is sealed and specifically designed for full-on liquid submersion of the transducer without damaging the electronics inside.

The PT-500E pressure transducer has a submersible design, giving it reliable level measurement in water storage and distribution systems. Engineered with corrosion resistant materials and durable construction, this sensor is an ideal choice for watery environments.

Key Features

Multiple analog output options give the PT-500E pressure transducer greater flexibility, with 4-20 mA and 0.5-4.5 VDC compatibility. This sensor is easy to install, minimizes downtime, and offers the same consistent performance of APG’s reliable pressure transducers.

NSF 61 and NSF 372 Certified

This pressure transducer has NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 certifications, making it stand out from APG’s line of pressure transducers. These industry-standard NSF certifications ensure compliance with strict health and safety regulations for drinking water applications. The PT-500E pressure transducer has a 316SS nose cone and comes with a polyurethane cable, both tested and approved for potable water applications.

NSF 61 covers products that come into contact with potable or drinking water in the United States, while NSF 372 ensures that products contain no more than 0.25% lead content in drinking water system components.

To learn more about our NSF products, check out our blog here.


The PT-500E pressure transducer has a variety of applications, most of which are water-based.

  • Reservoirs
  • Storage tanks
  • Potable water
  • Water level monitoring
  • Municipal water systems

Submersible pressure transducers are popular for their consistency. The PT-500E is no different, offering the same reliability from APG’s proven line of submersible pressure transducers. If you have any questions about our new PT-500E submersible pressure transducer, please reach out to our Product Experts today!

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