MPI-F is the Flexible Probe You’ve Been Looking For


This big water storage tank needs the increased safety of an MPI-FNo Jedi mind-tricks necessary here. APG’s new MPI-F Intrinsically Safe Flexible Stem Magnetostrictive Level Sensor is just the flexible probe you’ve been looking for. The MPI-F is flexible, intrinsically safe, and can be inherently safe. And when we say flexible, we aren’t just referring to the stem. The safety value of the MPI-F extends beyond protected operation in hazardous locations.

MPI-F has Class I Div. 1, Class I Zone 0 Certs

Flexible is world-wide, Class I, Division 1 and Class I, Zone 0 approvals from cCSAus, ATEX, and IECEx. The list of places those approvals aren’t accepted is much smaller than the list of places where they are. So whether you have permanent tanks or mobile trucks and shipping containers, the MPI-F will be certified for use wherever your measurement needs are. You can go anywhere with your level measurement needs because the MPI-F can be used almost everywhere.

Flexible Stem Probe is Easy to install

APG's new MPI-F Intrinsically Safe Flexible Stem Magnetostrictive Level ProbeFlexible probes are already easier to install than rigid probes because they don’t require ginormous cranes, but making our flexible magnetostrictive probe intrinsically safe increases that ease of installation by a factor of 10. Instruments that are explosion proof require explosion proof conduit for their wiring, and that is not easy to work with. Intrinsically safe sensors, on the other hand, don’t require special conduit or wiring, just specifically-limited power sources.

The MPI-F becomes even simpler to install when using APG’s newMDI Intrinsically Safe Modbus Display. The new display is designed to be the specifically-limited power source. You also won’t need an IS barrier between the MDI and the MPI-F making installation even simpler. Just hook them up, and watch them go!

Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter is Inherently safe with the MDI

More than just intrinsically safe—which is a specific technical and legal term that relates to the operation of a device in hazardous locations—the combination of anMPI-F and an MDI is inherently safe. Inherently safe is a more general term that implies something is designed to be safe, and the MPI-F and MDI are just that. With an MDI connected to your MPI-F, you don’t have to climb any ladders or scale tanks or trucks to get your level readings. Just push the red button on the side of the MDI, and your level reading comes to you. Nobody on ladders is a win for everybody!

Maybe you’re looking to benefit from the flexibility, the intrinsic safety, or the inherent safety of an MPI-F and MDI, either way, the MPI-F Intrinsically Safe Magnetostrictive Float Level Transmitter really is the flexible probe you are looking for. Make your measurements more precise, make getting them easier, and make installation a breeze, all while making safety a priority with the MPI-F.

Have questions? Our Measurement Experts have answers! You can call them, or drop them an email, or download datasheet and jump in a chat here on our website. They would love to help you get the right sensor and display system for your level measurement needs!

MPI-F Details

top photo credit: U. S. Department of Agriculture via public domain mark 1.0

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