Explosion Proof Protection Method | APG Sensors


M1 military helmet has been used to contain explosions from hand-grenadesWe’ve spent some time in the last two weeks discussing hazardous locations and the intrinsic safety protection method. Check out those posts if you’d like to catch up on the subject material. In today’s post, we’ll cover the explosion proof protection method, and how it keeps a hazardous location from ending up in a ball of flames.

Making a sensor explosion proof, sometimes called flame proof, is all about the enclosure, or housing. According to CSA International, explosion proof protection means using an enclosure that:

  • can withstand an internal explosion without rupture, and
  • prevents flame or an explosion inside the enclosure from causing an explosion in the surrounding atmosphere outside the enclosure

In practice, this reminds me of the of a soldier jumping on a grenade with his helmet, or “falling on a grenade”. However, the explosions that we’re concerned with are not nearly as dramatic, and the method of protection much more effective.

This is not a complicated method of protection, and is perfect for instrumentation that requires too much power to be deemed intrinsically safe. Like intrinsic safety, explosion proof sensors are certified by an agency such as CSA International, and have to pass thorough testing.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of hazardous locations, and the two primary protection methods, at least for our products, we’ll jump into classifications next week.

Any additional insight into the explosion proof protection method? Share with us! Our Measurement Experts also welcome questions about hazardous locations and protection methods. If you’d like to know specifically about our products, give us a call at 888-525-7300 or send us an email.

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