Avoid Ultrasonic Sensor Cross Talk


Cross talk happens when two nearby ultrasonic sensors receive each other’s signal. When each is out of sync with the other, this will cause erroneous readings. The fix is simply to synchronize each ultrasonic.

We can’t speak for all ultrasonic sensors on the market, but many of ours feature a clock synchronization feature. Once the ultrasonic sound waves are in synchronization, the effects of cross talk are eliminated.

To sync up the sensors, their clock synchronization lines (green wire) must be connected together as in the illustration below:

Clock synchronization diagram for ultrasonic sensors

Note: In order for the clock synchronization function to work, the sensors’ must share a common ground.

Synchronization is very easy. Simply wire them properly and you’re done. Let us know if you have any questions about ultrasonic synchronization, and how it may be useful in your application.

Explore APG Ultrasonic Sensors

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