Tank Levels in Home Automation | Blogs


The LOE remote monitoring ultrasonic sensor is installed in a residential heating oil tankLevel measurement applications are everywhere, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. Now, an innovative home automation firm in New England is taking high-tech level measurement home.

Specifically, they have addressed the need to more accurately forecast heating oil deliveries in homes. Currently, delivery is based off of weather forecasting and past usage. This model breaks pretty easily as it fails to account for simple anomalies such as homeowner temperature preferences or abnormal events.

Enough homes rely on heating oil, that when the forecasting model does break, it can quickly turn into a rather large problem. According to the Energy Information Administration:

“Heating oil ranks as the third most important source of residential energy in the Nation, with about 7.5 percent of all households using heating oil as their primary space heating fuel.” Source:

The report further notes that, in the Northeast, approximately 31% of all homes use heating oil – over 6 million homes. Essentially, the solution is an inexpensive and easy way to remotely monitor heating oil levels. Our home automation friends in New England found us in their search for the best solution.

Those chose our LOE ultrasonic sensor for remote level measurements. Basically, the LOE transmits level data via an existing Internet connection to our servers. From there, we can send text messages and emails notifying the user or a supply company of low levels and the need to refill.

Additionally, users can login to their own personal tank level portal online and see the tank level, adjust the sensor, or set-up alarm parameters. This video shows just how easy it is to install, set-up, and and use the LOE sensor.

The system is much less expensive than traditional industrial remote monitoring, making it accessible for residential applications.

APG’s Ramiro Garcia, Regional Sales Manager, discusses some of the advantages of this system:

“Oil companies can do much better routing as usage information is solid and no longer estimated. They can avoid emergency trips when the customer runs out of fuel. These costs are usually absorbed by the oil delivery company.”

While it’s nice for the delivery company to have accurate tank level information, it also helps the homeowner. Ramiro adds:

“Reliable fuel level information gives the homeowner peace-of-mind especially when the property is not continuously occupied, such as a second home. Avoiding fuel outage can prevent very costly damage due to frozen pipes in buildings.”

A similar system is used in residential areas where fresh water is highly regulated, and ground water can only be drawn during specific times. These areas use water holding tanks with an LOE ultrasonic sensor to manage supply.

Remote tank level monitoring is a common application anywhere bulk liquid inventories are managed and supplied. The LOE remote level sensor works well for supply and transport companies dealing with water, wastewater, chemicals, fuel, and oil.

Let us know if you have any questions about this application. You can use our live chat during business hours, or give us a call at 888-525-7300.

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