Snapshot Solutions: Irrigation With the CR-L Radar Level Sensor


Irrigation is the cornerstone of water management in agricultural regions worldwide. In the agricultural industry, irrigation canals are instrumental in delivering water to fields, making it essential to monitor their levels consistently. The TRUE ECHO® CR-L radar level sensor from Automation Products Group, Inc. (APG) is designed precisely for this purpose.



The irrigation canal is located by a pump house, which pumps water from the water source into the irrigation canal. Maintaining the correct water lever is critical; if the water level becomes too low, then the pumps can become damaged and potentially lead to expensive repair costs and operational delays.

In addition to mechanical concerns, environmental factors such as fluctuating weather conditions, debris, and varying temperatures can impact the reliability of water level measurements. Monitoring the water level around the pump is essential to prevent these issues and ensure uninterrupted irrigation.



The TRUE ECHO CR-L radar liquid level sensor offers a robust solution for monitoring irrigation canals. Utilizing electromagnetic waves to measure liquid, the sensor emits a burst of electromagnetic waves that travel to the target and bounce back to the sensor, the return signal converted into liquid level data. These waves travel much faster than sound waves, leading to more reliable measurement—slower sound waves can become disrupted as they bounce off the target surface. Radar level sensors are an excellent fit for monitoring irrigation canals, being unaffected by weather conditions such as rain, wind, condensation, and temperature extremes. This makes the TRUE ECHO CR-L an ideal choice for environments where reliability is non-negotiable. For a further breakdown of our radar, click here.




With the TRUE ECHO CR-L successfully monitoring the levels of the irrigation canal, the operators can rest easy knowing that their water levels are being consistently monitored regardless of any adverse weather conditions. Interested in learning more about how APG can assist your operations? Contact our dedicated sales team to get started!


See Our TRUE ECHO Radar


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