CSA Class 2: Sensors & Flammable Dust


Coal dust is very flammable, and would create a classified location known as Class 2Hazardous locations are classified because of three different types of hazards. We’ve covered quite a bit about hazardous locations in the past month. Today, we want to discuss Class 2 locations, which are characterized by flammable dusts.

Dust that is flammable includes metals such as magnesium and aluminum; edibles such as flour, sugar, cocoa, or spices; carbon dusts like charcoal and coal, and many dry chemicals used in plastics and medicines (

These dusts can, in the right conditions, be equally as hazardous as vapors, or Class 1 locations – especially because dust often accumulates if not cleaned regularly. This is known as a dust blanket. In fact, for a sensor to be certified for Class 2 locations, it must allow a dust blanket to settle directly on the sensor without danger of ignition.

Like other classified locations, Class 2 locations are further defined by divisions and zones. Divisions, most popular in North America, distinguish between a hazard that is present under normal conditions (Division 1), and one that is an abnormal occurrence (Division 2).

Class 2 locations are quite common for our customers. While they do not require some of the same heavy-duty enclosure protections (e.g. explosion proof), they do require a sealed housing that runs at a low temperature.

Let us know if you have any questions about level and pressure sensors in Class 2 locations. You can get a hold of a helpful application engineer at 888-525-7300, or via our live chat, during business hours.

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